Sunday 13 April 2014

Day 170/252 - Saturday 12th April

Had a mini DTS reunion with Amal, Keith, Karen and Martina. Then slipped and fell, injuring my back, ouch. Still managed to stay up until midnight to finish my work. Tomorrow is a new day :)

Day 169/252 - Friday 11th April

Still working on Song of Songs... I’ve been impacted by the interpretation that the lover was defiled by the king and she was rescued by her beloved who created a safe environment to build love upon. He calls her our of the cleft in the rock and creates a safe environment for her to be with him. He is gentle and he is kind with her, loving her no matter what has happened and rescuing her from her place of shame. Both their names in Hebrew are from the word for peace, so their relationship was built upon peace. 
This book is so healing for my thoughts on what love really is and how God intends love to be between one man and one woman. Someone called it 'The original design of True love'. I’ve cried over this book many times this week because I see God’s heart of what he has for us in relationships, in safety, protection and vulnerability. 

Day 168/252 - Thursday 10th April

Song of Songs today with Vicky... So much healing, beautiful words...

Thursday 10 April 2014

Day 167/252 - Wednesday 9th April

This morning was rubbish nothing was going right, then....had a fun time with friends, got my light fixed, got an amazing shoulder massage, and took photos of Brian and his banjo! I always forget how much I love taking photos!! :) was happy for the rest of the day!
Had lunch with Stephie, she's here visiting, love her <3
Then small was so fun, we drew shapes then had to make a picture around then and it was supposed to mean something phycological, love that stuff!
We had the oikos meal and a fun eve..turned out to be a great day!

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Day 166/252 - Tuesday 8th April

Again, just loving this group I'm with...tonight I learnt my name in Korean, Japanese and Chinese!
The sun was out today which made everything just more brighter and the feeling that summer is well and truly on it's way :)
I read song of Solomon, that will be a fun lecture on Thursday with Vicky!!
Read ecclesiastes too...interesting wrestling with lifes big questions. 

Monday 7 April 2014

Day 165/252 - Monday 7th April

Proverbs today! Don't have much time to really get into it in depths but got a really good overview and finished my assignment.
We have song of Solomon and ecclesiastes this week so want to keep on top of my time management.
Remembering how much I love the people on this course, I am so fortunate to be part of this school with such incredible people.
We've all been so happy to be back together today, it's been a good day. Although most of us would agree we could do with another week off :)
There's a new dts and bcc here now so it's full steam ahead into the third term.
This morning after worship we went to the classroom and Andy posed this question.
Which are the 3 books we're doing this week...wisdom: song of Solomon....what is the point: ecclesiastes.
Bring it on..... :)

Friday 4 April 2014

Day 164/252 - Friday 28th March

Yay, almost finished for the second term, and I can't wait for a holiday!! But I've loved this term and can't believe how amazing the OT is :)
Abbey and Phil's wedding is happening here at TKL tomorrow, so people everywhere, busying about all with a job! I've been helping to lay the tables and other bits and bobs!
Now for a week at home... :)

Day 163/252 - Thursday 27th March

English for Missions (EFM) graduated tonight and we had a dance party latino style :) they also performed a drama depicting their teachers... I seriously haven't seen anything so funny in a looong time. 
Really loved doing Job this week, beautiful, thought provoking book.

Day 162/252 - Wednesday 26th March

Today we had lectures specifically on Job and the use of Mythology - Andy loves this stuff, ancient sea creatures and all that jazz! Awesome stuff :)
In the night we had a Q and A with Andy, we got to ask him whatever q's we wanted, it was really fun and a lot of my views are being challenged, but that is good!

Day 161/252 - Tuesday 25th March

Beautiful literature in of my favourite verses 'heavenly storehouses of snow'
This fascinated me, that even though the writer is not clearly stated we can know so much about him (From lecture notes):

·               Remarkable poet and genius
o                   Best/complex Hebrew poetry
o                   1020 lines of poetry in Job
o                   over 60 triple parallelism
·               Some of finest words in literature
·               Wide knowledge of mythology
    • uses mythololy from all over the known world
    • very well travelled or well read?
    • knew different cultures, languages very well
·               Impressive general knowledge – a class above rest of ot in writing ability (As Luke and Hebrews were above NT authors)
o                   5 words for Lion(4:10-11)
o                   Animals described in detail (38:39-39:30)
o                   13 words for gems (28:15-19)
o                   Knowledge of /human body got together (10:8-11)
  • Of weather patterns (7:9,36:27-37, 38:34-38)
  • The constellations (9:9, 38:31-33)
  • Mining practises (28:1-11)
  • 6 words for traps (18:8-10)
  • Caravan routes (6:18-20)
  • Knowledge of past history & culture
Also that when he suffered his friends tried to fix him... 
  • Rejects easy answers
    • People who have suffered don’t want people to explain what’s going on, they want people to comfort them. They reject quick explanations about what s happening and why. APPLICATION - Do I do this? Do I try to fix my friends!? Instead I should listen, comfort and love. 
  • Suffered himself?
  • Bold and original thinker
  • Challenges excepted views
  • Wise man?

Day 160/252 - Monday 24th March

Today I heard this quote:
"Aim high because you never know if you will hit it, Aim low and you will always hit it."
It was a simple statement but it seems to strike a chord with me and I've been thinking about what that could mean to my life. 

I really enjoyed our lecture of an Introduction to Wisdom Literature. Something that really impacted me was the teaching about the meaning of wisdom in the ancient world. In the ancient world if someone had a craft that they were skilled at and they practically put it into action they were considered wise. The definition of wisdom biblically means that you fear the Lord, put your skill into good use and therefore you are wise. 

I just really like this somehow. 

Day 159/252 - Sunday 23rd March

Today I went out for coffee with Jacki, for a much needed catch up :)
Praying a lot about my future dreams.
Well hello Job (Book #40) you're an interesting character! Looking forward to studying this book before our 'Easter break'.
Watched Amazing Grace tonight, seen it before but somehow tonight I was profoundly touched by William Wilberforce's life. 

Day 158/252 - Saturday 22nd March

My finished timeline (well proud of it!) and part of my application...
I was really impacted with the hope that the book ended with, that when everything is going horribly wrong and all of God’s people are away from their promised land, there is still hope in David’s line. Jehoachin gets released from prison and ends up eating at the kings table! I like that it leaves on a cliff hanger like this and stirs up hope inside that God has got his hand in this and he IS going to redeem his people for the sake of his name. I love that God is a redeemer in this book, that it ends with hope and there are gems of redemption dotted through it. They are a bright light in an otherwise hopeless time. 

Day 157/252 - Friday 21st March

All week we've been building Jerusalem! I was in the team in charge of the walls (they were the best damn walls!) then after reading of how Israel and Judah went into Exile the staff took us outside to the fire pit to burn down Jerusalem! It felt really like a tiny 1% of how they must have felt to have their city burnt to the ground. So much for the golden age and the time when Israel was thriving as a nation... now comes the next part of the story... 

We also had out King's banquet to finish the weeks teaching. We all were required to dress up as a character from 1 or 2 Kings. I chose Bathsheba, Solomon's mother. (The Queen of Sheba was taken!)

Day 156/252 - Thursday 20th March

So... all my work I did last night was wrong! Only third time I've cried over my work, last time was to my sister over my tabernacle to scale!

But, day improved greatly... we had Evangelism Day and I got to go back to visit my little old lady in the council estate!! I was so happy. William came too with his labradoodle which absolutely adored :D

Also had last ever meal out with the Media team, a goodbye to Lee and Lyndon after all their hard work in the office over the last 2+ years. Defiantly the end of an era for the three of us, but God is moving us all on. 

Day 155/252 - Wednesday 19th March

The DRBS girls led worship and intercession this morning, we prayed for the different church denominations, which was eye opening and educational!
Andy laid out a massive Risk game to demo all the battles, pretty cool. 
Stayed up late to finish my Kings table. REALLY not into all these details (kings, names, dates, battles) but pushed through to get it out of the way so I can focus on my timeline! 

Day 154/252 - Tuesday 18th March

Today we began Kings! Book #38
My boots ripped. Can't believe it, I only bought them in September.
Had really good comments from my grader which was encouraging :)

Day 153/252 - Monday 17th March

Today we were asked in worship... When you were 17 what did you hope for? and Who was there to help you?
We prayed for 17 year old boys amongst us and in our nation specifically. Amazing to think these will be the next leaders, fathers and influencers in our society. 

Day 152/252 - Sunday 16th March

Day off...woohoo!
Sunny day, DTS are back, soo good!
Tonight we watched Forrest Gump and got really moved by the scene when his braces fall off his legs... such a powerful message of breaking free. 

Day 151/252 - Saturday 15th March

My Psalm. 

I am weary, O Lord, my soul is tired,
Yet there is nothing than can shake my love for you,
But I am weary and my hearts aches.
Then in moment I remember
Your sun warms my skin and I remember,
Your sun shines and I feel you close by,
As a city dweller longs for fresh air
And for the traffic drone to cease,
So they can hear the birdsong,
So I’ve longed for you, O Lord

I’ve been searching for truth,
I’ve looked for the right way,
I’ve climbed up to the mountains,
Journeyed over much ground,
Through high valleys and deep caverns,
Through many oceans and seas,
I’ve met princes and paupers,
Been acquainted with rich and poor,
I’ve journeyed with many, I’ve journeyed with few,
You have been with me through everything

I’ve been searching for the truth,
I’ve looked for the right way,
I’ve looked up to the heavens,
Squinted at the clouds and stared at the stars,
I’ve gazed at the depths, fathomed the earth
And the oceans dark mysteries,
You have been with my through everything

I’ve been searching for truth,
I’ve looked for the right way,
I’ve pondered the culture of now and
Listened to the knowledge of man,
I’ve contemplated my generation and
Wondered through the opinions of society,
You have been with me through everything

Then you led me O Lord in your unfailing love,
You took me from my wanderings and
Set my feet on a straight path,
I was walking with obstacles,
You cleared my path ahead,
You led me O Lord because you are faithful,
You have been with me through everything

Then you led me O Lord in your own way,
Through those dusty roads and ancient gates,
Through stones walls and green hillsides,
Through early kingdoms and bloody battles,
Through humble homes and bustling streets,
Through golden fields and worn out tents

I feel the dust on my skin,
I taste the manna on my lips,
I smell the tent canvas,
I hear the battle cries,
I run my hand along an old stone wall,
My senses are alive, my body is there

I am sitting in David’s throne room,
I am working with Ruth in the field,
I am walking a dusty road with Paul,
I am waiting with Issac for his bride

I am there, but they don’t see me,
I am there, but they don’t know me
I will never forget but they don’t know,
They’ve taught me faithfulness,
They’ve shown me truth,
They’ve taught me obedience,
They’ve shown me love,

I’ve been searching for truth,
I’ve looked for the right way,
I’ve found it in you O Lord,
Through the faces of old,
Those ancient souls have brought me life,
Now I know your truth, O Lord
I’ve found it in you
You have been with my through everything

I am weary no longer,
My God, You have made me alive

Day 150/252 - Friday 14th March

Today I wrote a Psalm!
It was our Psalms weekend so we went away for the day to this lovely barn.
Spent time meditating and just being still with God, was so good.

Day 149/252 - Thursday 13th March

My grace ran out today, that is all. 

Day 148/252 - Wednesday 12th March

So many books this week, bit of a push!
Went to the zoo with small group :)
This morning for worship we went outside, prayed and had some quiet time in nature. It was beautiful, loved hearing the sound levels; A5, crows, birdsong was louder than everything... loved it. Also Thaddeus said hello to Auntie Grace!

Day 147/252 - Tuesday 11th March

Samuel lectures today and finishing Ruth assignments.
Jess left TKL today, always the hard thing about YWAM but necessary... things come to an end. 

Thursday 3 April 2014

Day 146/252 - Monday 10th March

Invited Mum into lectures for Ruth (Book #36), was great!
Good chats with tea, Good lecture, Lovely lovely day!

Day 145/252 - Sunday 9th March

Mum's here!
Busy day because have weekend work duties ( which I didn't realise until last minute! ) but ok, Read the rest of Samuel.
So nice to have Mum here to come and see a bit of my life! She's coming to the lecture of Ruth :)

Day 144/252 - Saturday 8th March

Study day today and FINISHED by the afternoon...yeah!
Realisation: so glad I'm not auditing because I'd just not do any of this if I didn't have to. Made all my maps today, didn't really want to in the end but I love them now I've done them!
Campfire tonight was a lovely distraction.
Read 1 Samuel, and enter ...............David, woop woop! Book # 34

Day 143/252 - Friday 7th March

Judges is rough! But has an exceptional message. Incredible brave and passionate judges, love Deborah and Samson is just nuts XD
Went into another world interpreting tonight... SBS is like a doorway into another world entirely.

Day 142/252 - Thursday 6th March

Joshua and Judges Books#32 and #33

So... Judges is pretty grim!

Rough day, in a lot of pain. Managed to get to lectures but not up to scratch this week I'm afraid. 

Day 141/252 - Wednesday 5th March

Today we did a creative worship for the SBS. 
Still feeling very sick... early night x

Day 140/252 - Tuesday 4th March

We had a cool time of Intercession today, putting prayers into the floorboards under the snack bar before it gets boarded up again! It really lifted me to look outside myself and the classroom and pray for others. 
Finished both my HZ's not trying to get BRI's done. Planned worship for tomorrow morning. 
Also the staff gave up a little gift with an encouragement on our desks.... was the encouragement I needed!
Also got given gluten free cake AND gluten free pancakes from Andy... Pancake day!
Lovely eve but now very tired. 

Day 139/252 - Monday 3rd March

Must keep going when I'm fed up with my health...must keep going...

Day 138/252 - Sunday 2nd March

Joshua and Judges coming up... 
Can I rest today? ....

Day 137/252 - Saturday 1st March

Thought charting Deuteronomy would be scary with all the Law we are interpreting but it was awesome!!
The heart of God under the Law is way more simple than I ever realised, it's all about LOVE.

Extract from my charts:
Law #1 Interpretation: Every seventh year you shall grant a release. The Lord commands Israel to release any of their fellow brothers, who they have lent money to, in the seventh year. He tells them there shall be no poor among them. The Lord is setting up a nation with a good economy and good structure. He doesn’t want there to be those who are bound by debt and enslaved that way to one another forever. I think God’s heart behind this is that those who cannot earn enough to pay it back, through no fault of their own, should be released and set free. He’s giving the opportunity to the rich brother to grant their poor brother freedom. 

I've learnt a lot about tithing and giving this week!

Day 136/252 - Friday 28th February

This morning was exhausting the Dr didn't say much but the day improved with an amazing prayer time at lunch and Bible reading. 
Charting this afternoon which hopefully means not much to do tomorrow.
Had some fun with my old flatmates too :)

Day 135/252 - Thursday 27th February

Today was rough, I really didn't want to go to Evangelism Day but I pushed myself and I'm so glad I did!
I thought I was signing up for painting but ended up going to gardening (which I would never have signed up for!) we ended up clearing away all this junk from this little old lady's garden. Later I spoke to her for a while and she was lovely. Turns out she was a governor and teacher at the local school, now she lives alone. We were told last year she got mugged but she didn't seem afraid of us, she trusted us. I really liked her a lot, I hope I get to see her again. 

Day 134/252 - Wednesday 26th February

We had a question and answer time with Phil, it was great!
We got to ask him anything we wanted which varied wildly... He's been teaching the Bible and in YWAM for something like 25 years so it's amazing to be able to get his opinions on certain issues and topics.

Monday 31 March 2014

Day 133/252 - Tuesday 25th February

Book #31 Deuteronomy
More stomach pains today between meals, what's going on! Hard to focus on lectures. Interesting laws though, once you know the reasons behind them! Phil's doing a great job...
Ahead with my work too which is always a good feeling. Need to introvert now after a very extrovert day!! x

Day 132/252 - Monday 24th February

Hard to get back into base life again. But good to be around so many people that I love and love me!

Day 131/252 - Sunday 23rd February

Back to the Lodge!

Day 130/252 - Saturday 22nd February

Spent lovely time with Dad for his Birthday :)

Day 129/252 - Friday 21st February

Travelled home for long weekend, Dad's birthday :)
Good to be in home town again. 
Quiet and feeling peaceful. 
Good to be on my own... 

Day 128/252 - Thursday 20th February

Andy showed us a map of the journey the people of Israel took from Egypt to the Promised Land, he asked us to answer these questions and then stick the paper on the map... I stuck mine right on the edge of the Land.

Day 127/252 - Wednesday 19th February

So pleased with how many charts I got done tonight!!
 Surprising been as I slept off a splitting headache for two hours this afternoon. Lectures this morning were great but intense... many themes coming through about God. The rebellion of the people is nuts, but when I look at my own life I can hardly talk, it's easily to judge the Israelites!
It's been a pretty sobering day. The consequences of the first generation in the wilderness, deep sadness,
But as Andy says: Tomorrow there is HOPE... the second generation rises up!

Day 126/252 - Tuesday 18th February

Tiring day but good!
Surprise party for Rula and Said who get married this week.
Great lectures from Andy who manages to make Numbers interesting!
It's all about God's army with Him as General in the centre, gong out with them in their midst. 
The first rebellious generation and the second obedient generation. Fascinating stuff!
Especially interesting that the forty years in the wilderness is not even mentioned!

Day 125/252 - Monday 17th February

Finished Horizontal, had good day with girlie chats even though mega tired. Some big questions came up in class like… does God make people ill for punishment? Eek. I am shelving that one for now! 

Sunday 2 March 2014

Day 124/252 - Sunday 16th Feb

Started my PT's... hoping to get a head start...
All of this book is repetition don't know what they are going to teach us this week....
Balaam's donkey is a fun story :)

Day 123/252 - Saturday 15th Feb

Read Numbers, took hours!.......groan. 

Day 122/252 - Friday 14th Feb

Such a lovely girls night tonight at my old flat, with Sheila, we watched the Adjustment Bureau, ate icecream and it was gooooooooooooooooooooood! (Especially because I finished my assignment before woop!)

Day 121/252 - Thursday 13th Feb

Looking forward to going home for our long weekend next week!

Day 120/252 - Wednesday 12th Feb

Chad is great, he's a super genius but with a friendly face which helps! Slightly overwhelmed with all the Laws but it is interesting. 
More drama with the Unclean Application... Most of the girls are unhappy, but it's a good way to find out the stipulations of the Laws because you need to!
Had an evening question and answer session with Chad today, was really fascinating we could ask him anything we wanted... plus we had LOADS of snacks :)

Day 119/252 - Tuesday 11th Feb

Today I was told off for not making my Unclean badge - quite rightly so because I made two for the girls unclean by accident - they hugged me before realising I was 'one of those' and therefore I made them unholy until eve. So I figured if I have to made a badge I might as well make it cute, so I fashioned this on PS... :)

Also - the big decision on all of the SBS's lips was.... do I eat bangers and mash for tea? (Intentional sin of eating Pork, oh the drama)

Day 118/252 - Monday 10th Feb

Book #29 Leviticus

Today we began Leviticus with Chad Lewis... extremely clever man... extremely fried my little brain. 

This is our Assignment this week...

Yep, we are living out the Levitical Law this week..... and guess what? As Rachel would say "The way of women is upon me".... oh goody.