Monday, 31 March 2014

Day 133/252 - Tuesday 25th February

Book #31 Deuteronomy
More stomach pains today between meals, what's going on! Hard to focus on lectures. Interesting laws though, once you know the reasons behind them! Phil's doing a great job...
Ahead with my work too which is always a good feeling. Need to introvert now after a very extrovert day!! x

Day 132/252 - Monday 24th February

Hard to get back into base life again. But good to be around so many people that I love and love me!

Day 131/252 - Sunday 23rd February

Back to the Lodge!

Day 130/252 - Saturday 22nd February

Spent lovely time with Dad for his Birthday :)

Day 129/252 - Friday 21st February

Travelled home for long weekend, Dad's birthday :)
Good to be in home town again. 
Quiet and feeling peaceful. 
Good to be on my own... 

Day 128/252 - Thursday 20th February

Andy showed us a map of the journey the people of Israel took from Egypt to the Promised Land, he asked us to answer these questions and then stick the paper on the map... I stuck mine right on the edge of the Land.

Day 127/252 - Wednesday 19th February

So pleased with how many charts I got done tonight!!
 Surprising been as I slept off a splitting headache for two hours this afternoon. Lectures this morning were great but intense... many themes coming through about God. The rebellion of the people is nuts, but when I look at my own life I can hardly talk, it's easily to judge the Israelites!
It's been a pretty sobering day. The consequences of the first generation in the wilderness, deep sadness,
But as Andy says: Tomorrow there is HOPE... the second generation rises up!

Day 126/252 - Tuesday 18th February

Tiring day but good!
Surprise party for Rula and Said who get married this week.
Great lectures from Andy who manages to make Numbers interesting!
It's all about God's army with Him as General in the centre, gong out with them in their midst. 
The first rebellious generation and the second obedient generation. Fascinating stuff!
Especially interesting that the forty years in the wilderness is not even mentioned!

Day 125/252 - Monday 17th February

Finished Horizontal, had good day with girlie chats even though mega tired. Some big questions came up in class like… does God make people ill for punishment? Eek. I am shelving that one for now! 

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Day 124/252 - Sunday 16th Feb

Started my PT's... hoping to get a head start...
All of this book is repetition don't know what they are going to teach us this week....
Balaam's donkey is a fun story :)

Day 123/252 - Saturday 15th Feb

Read Numbers, took hours!.......groan. 

Day 122/252 - Friday 14th Feb

Such a lovely girls night tonight at my old flat, with Sheila, we watched the Adjustment Bureau, ate icecream and it was gooooooooooooooooooooood! (Especially because I finished my assignment before woop!)

Day 121/252 - Thursday 13th Feb

Looking forward to going home for our long weekend next week!

Day 120/252 - Wednesday 12th Feb

Chad is great, he's a super genius but with a friendly face which helps! Slightly overwhelmed with all the Laws but it is interesting. 
More drama with the Unclean Application... Most of the girls are unhappy, but it's a good way to find out the stipulations of the Laws because you need to!
Had an evening question and answer session with Chad today, was really fascinating we could ask him anything we wanted... plus we had LOADS of snacks :)

Day 119/252 - Tuesday 11th Feb

Today I was told off for not making my Unclean badge - quite rightly so because I made two for the girls unclean by accident - they hugged me before realising I was 'one of those' and therefore I made them unholy until eve. So I figured if I have to made a badge I might as well make it cute, so I fashioned this on PS... :)

Also - the big decision on all of the SBS's lips was.... do I eat bangers and mash for tea? (Intentional sin of eating Pork, oh the drama)

Day 118/252 - Monday 10th Feb

Book #29 Leviticus

Today we began Leviticus with Chad Lewis... extremely clever man... extremely fried my little brain. 

This is our Assignment this week...

Yep, we are living out the Levitical Law this week..... and guess what? As Rachel would say "The way of women is upon me".... oh goody. 

Day 117/252 - Sunday 9th Feb

Skyped with family and friends today.... so nice!! :) Feeling more alive. Roll on Leviticus... (did I really just say that?!)

Day 116/252 - Saturday 8th Feb

Felt like a work machine today, finished work early but cried over my Tabernacle-to-scale drawing!! (It's funny what so much charting does to you!) weep!
Pushed through, all good. Loved Exodus, why was I so scared to tackle the Torah!!

Read Leviticus too so I could have a Sabbath, hope it works J

Day 115/252 - Friday 7th Feb

My conclusion this week is: Doing SBS is the best decision I have ever made (I'm not even exaggerating).

From Exodus I've learnt this week about Identity, how to be in the image of God and who he created you to be. And purpose, how to go forward in what God has called you to do. 

My favourite part was when Moses was at the Red sea in 14:15 and he is asking God what to do next. God basically says to him - why are you praying? You know what I have called you to do now step out in faith and move forward. 

I've realised that I put so much emphasis on making sure everything I do is right by God when I just need to chill out and just live life in the desires he put in me, move forward in them in faith and trust that God will show me the next step when needed. He will surely stop me if I am going in the wrong direction but the worst that can happen is that it doesn't work out, then I can try something else. 

The worst that can happen if I don't step out is that I never step into what I'm called to be and stay in the safe and comfortable where everything is manageable. I think more and more I am called to impact through Media, mainly film. I get so passionate about the influence of Media and how it portrays life/truth badly that I need to do something about it. Just like how Moses had something in him that he hadn’t quite understood yet.

Another aspect was progressive revelation, this idea of God revealing to Moses step by step what he had called him to do, he does this with Abraham in Genesis too. God is merciful and loving he doesn't give us a bunch of details and facts for our lives right away because it would be too much. He calls us step by step and we can follow/trust what he has already deposited in us to go forward. 

From the beginning of the book we can see Moses had in him a call to be a deliverer, he stood up for the injustice when he killed the Egyptian and he saved the Priest's daughters at the well, he had in him this desire to save people but he was misguided until God directed him. I like that thought that we have an inherent call in our lives, something that gets us aggravated or passionate towards some injustice. That is God given and reveals something he has put in us to use for people in this world.

I want to be brave and pursue God with film in Media to make a change in the industry.... somehow. 

Day 114/252 - Thursday 6th Feb

Exodus notes… charting charting charting…

'At this point Moses doesn't know what to do, they are facing the wilderness of the Red Sea. He has no knowledge what God will do but he knows that he is with him. He has just told his fearful people to fear not but he is silent, possibly praying asking what he should do. The Lord responds quickly and strongly, he asks Moses why he cries out to him, he says he needs to tell the people to go forward. Then he proceeds to give him instructions and the sea parts. What God was saying here was that Moses didn't need to ask what to do next he just needed to have faith and step forward.  God asks the rhetorical question to make him think. God was trusting Moses with the abilities he had put in him, he was maturing in his faith and God could see that. Now what God needed was his people to step forward even into the unknown and he would do the impossible by parting a giant ocean. God’s faithfulness is revealed by the line that says his people went through the sea on dry ground. He even gave them a dry ground to walk on!'

 Mini Application (Not so mini):
Sometimes we wait at our own personal Red Sea and ask God what to do. He has already led you there and yet you do not make the first step because you do not know what will happen. What God says is that you can take that first step and go forward knowing that he will provide for you dry ground to walk upon. He will not leave you or let you drown he will not just carry you across he will part the obstacles so you can safely cross. The other thing about crossing the Sea means there is something on the other side, which brings hope and a promise. They were not called to live in the middle of the sea but through to the other side. We can have this faith too and confidently step out into our calling. 

Day 113/252 - Wednesday 5th Feb

We had so much fun today learning about all the different Pharaoh's and Egyptian gods - so many!!
It was interesting because the plagues were directly connected to the gods they were worshipping. 
  • Plague two: Frogs.
    • Sound of frogs was associated with the blessings, because the flood of the Nile was good. (Nile = a god)
    • Represented fruitfulness, assuredness of the harvest, you could be killed for killing a frog
    • Goddess Heqet – wife of Khnum
    • Personified, darkness, water
    • 'If you like frogs I am going to make more frogs than you can handle.'
    • Now everyone has to kill frogs, the irony of God!

This is for real! 

In the afternoon we had a question and answer time with Manny... It was more about Identity and Calling than anything else and it was inspiring. I've felt for the first time in ages like I'm heading towards more clarity in what my purpose is and it feels fantastic. It gave me a lot of confidence today to look ahead without fear of the future... Thanks Manny! 

Day 112/252 - Tuesday 4th Feb

Notes from Exodus:

'Moses kills a man for doing something that was not right and later on we see him saving young women from shepherds. It says that he stood up and saved them. There is something here that is shown about his character. Moses had not yet been called by God and he did not know what his purpose was but it is clear that in his identity he is a deliverer. This is even more emphasised when we know that he was on the run, Having fled from Egypt he and he still steps up to save the daughters of Reuel. Here is a glimpse of what is to come, it reveals a part of him that hasn’t fully been fulfilled yet. It shows that there is something in him that even when he runs away he can’t hide from, he is a deliverer of the people and soon it will be unmasked - his call from God. I think this portrays life with God, purpose comes in stages because if it happened all at once it would be far too much to anyone to bear. I think the original readers would have seen Moses as courageous even though he killed a man, he was standing up for what was right and fighting for justice.'

Man I love this book!!!

Day 111/252 - Monday 3rd Feb

Book #28 Exodus
Yep Manny is here!  Teaching us this week...amazing doesn't even cover it! 
I wasn't excited for the Torah at all...but I am taken along with these people who are going through so much dramatic life changing , mind blowing journey to their Promised Land. 
The Big Picture is about: Identity and Purpose of YHWH and Israel. 
This is what awaited us today in class...

Day 110/252 - Sunday 2nd Feb

Tried to take a Sabbath today but ended up doing a lot of stuff that didn’t really give me energy… I rode my bike… so good but shattered now! Watched Frozen – SO good! 

Have no idea what this week will bring with Exodus...

Day 109/252 - Saturday 1st Feb

Genesis is by far my favourite book so far.... It's completely stacked with epic historical stories, love stories, war stories, family stories..... As I'm doing my work I just see it all play out in front of me. Loving it!

I wish I could make movies like these stories because God's truth is so deeply into the messages of each stories, I want everyone to know about them!

Day 108/252 - Friday 31st Jan

Been sick all week and got Antibiotics today… finally I can get better from this sinus infection! 

Keep going Grace...

Responsibility is the biggest theme that God has spoken to me about throughout this week. I’ve seen in everywhere from Adam and Eve in the garden and their blame they put on God and the enemy, to Noah’s son Ham not being respectful and his sons having to cover him up, to Tamar taking responsibility for her line and getting pregnant by Judah. Then finally Judah stepping up to the mark as a pledge for Benjamin. It’s been quite a journey but the thread I see through everything is a real challenge in taking responsibility in life!

Day 107/252 - Thursday 30th Jan

Notes from Genesis - Judah steps up:

'The family is in a terrible position they need food desperately and instead of a trip to Egypt to get food they have found unknowingly found themselves in the middle of a test of trust from their brother Joseph. Jacob is unwilling to let Benjamin go back with the brothers, he doesn’t trust them and he fears that he may lose him too. It is apparent he has never gotten of the loss of Joseph. None of the brothers, apart from Reuben’s poor attempt, step up to take on the task of Benjamin’s safety.  It is then that Judah steps up and says his own life with be his pledge that he will bring Benjamin back with him safely. Judah is saying that he will guard and protect him no matter what for his father. He is also saying that if anything is to happen to Benjamin may he be blamed forever. Wow, what a vow to make. This shows a real strength of character and duty to his family.
Through doing this Judah becomes the heir of the father and takes on the role of leader. This is a real lesson to the original readers of responsibility and consequence. The result of all this testing from Joseph is that Judah out of all his brothers becomes a man worthy of something great.'

'To have a character worthy of greatness you need to be willing to sacrifice yourself. You may not have to put your life on the line, as Judah did, but you might need to sacrifice money, your time or your freedom. To be a great leader it takes putting others over your own needs and dying to your own rights and your own wants. This is a godly character someone who takes on responsibility far beyond what they are asked from others.'

LOVE this book!!

Day 106/252 - Wednesday 29th Jan

Notes on Genesis - The Fall :

'Here we see two different responses to the questions God asks Adam and Eve when he finds out they have disobeyed him and eaten of the tree he had told them not to. God asks them “Have you eaten of the tree I told you not to?”, God already knows but he wants to know what they will say. This shows his relationship in communication. He is giving them the opportunity to respond. Firstly Adam responds by saying he has taken the fruit only because the woman that God gave to him gave him the fruit. The women says she was deceived by the serpent. Both of these responses put blame and accusation onto someone other than themselves. They do not only blame others for their own actions but they take no responsibility for themselves. Adam blames God for giving him the women who in turn made he fall and Eve blames the serpent for tricking her. They both knew God and they were both made in His image and yet they both were tempted, gave in and then blamed others.'

Day 105/252 - Tuesday 28th Jan

Genesis, creation….eee! So many theories, so much brain power, what do I think?!!

Day 104/252 - Monday 27th Jan

Into to Torah – Andy – a whole  new world…so excited for this! :)

Got given a delicious slice of gluten free carrot cake today…YUM! And gluten free macaroons and was told my course fees are reduced…. A good day. 

Day 103/252 - Sunday 26th Jan

Book #27 Genesis. 

Reading Genesis today. Genesis = EPIC. So long…

Not sure how I’m going to chart this but the stories are awesome! 
Feel like I’m coming down with something…don't want to get ill again, not when we're starting the Torah!

Day 102/252 - Saturday 25th Jan

Running in hailstorms is only fun with Georgie! We went out for a coffee and had fun running through the streets of Nuneaton to Nero's... :)

Day 101/252 - Friday 24th Jan

True story! But I passed, yay!

Had such a fun time tonight the whole SBS went bowling and for icecream afterwards... celebrating the end of the new testament! We did it guys! Love these amazing people God has put in our class together and so thankful to be a part of it! Now we can go to sleep and for once not have to wake up and finish assignments or revision.... 

Day 100/252 - Thursday 23rd Jan

Pray for me! By tomorrow morning I need to have learnt all of the info on these flashcards of the 26 books of the new testament... Each has key verse, to and from, date and location, main reason, main idea, historical background and the structure (that's the chart bit). As it so happens this non morning person is the first one to go in at 8.30am... Let's see how my brain handles that one!  Thanks in advice for any prayers for this challenge! Xxx