Sunday, 22 December 2013

Day 74/252 Because of love.

Today I was struggling to find anywhere quiet where I just be with my Father God. I knew I needed to re focus and just be his daughter but I was panicky when people were everywhere to the point of crying. Eventually I found somewhere and read this. It made me weep as my heart was squeezed with the reminder of why I’m doing this, because I just love him.

'Alexander Maclaren, the great Scottish preacher, attributed everything he knew to one habit: spending an hour each day alone with God. 

Sometimes he allowed others into his study, but they were never allowed to speak. Maclaren would sit in a well-worn armchair with his Bible lying across his knees. Sometimes he’d read its pages, but mostly he’d just sit with his hand over his face. 

During that hour he wouldn’t read the Bible as a student, or study it for sermons. One of his assistants noted, ‘He read it as a child would read a letter from an absent father, or your heart would drink in the words of a loved one from far away.’ 

How well do you know the Lord? How well do you want to know Him? The answer is not in what you say, but in what you do. What you truly desire, you pursue. The Psalmist said, ‘When You said, “Seek My face,” my heart said to You, “Your face, Lord, I will seek.’’’

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