Thursday, 10 October 2013

Day 14/252. History lesson.

Went back in time again to the first century..we looked at Greco-Roman families and how they would have looked very different to our western 2.4 families. More like the an extended community, where not only was there a head honcho to rule the family but he was also the head of their religion or what they believed. In Ephesians Paul tells the believers this family structure gets a new way of doing things (Chapter 5). The structure stays the same but husbands are told to love their wives as Christ loves the church. So all their relationships get an extreme makeover, they are loving one another as one, doing good by each other, even to the slaves! I'm sure this would have had a major ripple in the wider community and caused questions. I love the thought that if you change one person, you can change society. Imagine if this head honcho became a believer, his whole household and extended family would be effected by this in an incredible way.
There is more revelation but my brain just shut down. It seems to do that a lot these days.....but I love this stuff and I'm so happy to be here!
On another note, this base is amazing. It really is geared up for schools, I never truly appreciated that before. The food is amazing and the staff are just brilliant. At random moments I was thanking God of that today!

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