Sunday 13 April 2014

Day 170/252 - Saturday 12th April

Had a mini DTS reunion with Amal, Keith, Karen and Martina. Then slipped and fell, injuring my back, ouch. Still managed to stay up until midnight to finish my work. Tomorrow is a new day :)

Day 169/252 - Friday 11th April

Still working on Song of Songs... I’ve been impacted by the interpretation that the lover was defiled by the king and she was rescued by her beloved who created a safe environment to build love upon. He calls her our of the cleft in the rock and creates a safe environment for her to be with him. He is gentle and he is kind with her, loving her no matter what has happened and rescuing her from her place of shame. Both their names in Hebrew are from the word for peace, so their relationship was built upon peace. 
This book is so healing for my thoughts on what love really is and how God intends love to be between one man and one woman. Someone called it 'The original design of True love'. I’ve cried over this book many times this week because I see God’s heart of what he has for us in relationships, in safety, protection and vulnerability. 

Day 168/252 - Thursday 10th April

Song of Songs today with Vicky... So much healing, beautiful words...

Thursday 10 April 2014

Day 167/252 - Wednesday 9th April

This morning was rubbish nothing was going right, then....had a fun time with friends, got my light fixed, got an amazing shoulder massage, and took photos of Brian and his banjo! I always forget how much I love taking photos!! :) was happy for the rest of the day!
Had lunch with Stephie, she's here visiting, love her <3
Then small was so fun, we drew shapes then had to make a picture around then and it was supposed to mean something phycological, love that stuff!
We had the oikos meal and a fun eve..turned out to be a great day!

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Day 166/252 - Tuesday 8th April

Again, just loving this group I'm with...tonight I learnt my name in Korean, Japanese and Chinese!
The sun was out today which made everything just more brighter and the feeling that summer is well and truly on it's way :)
I read song of Solomon, that will be a fun lecture on Thursday with Vicky!!
Read ecclesiastes too...interesting wrestling with lifes big questions. 

Monday 7 April 2014

Day 165/252 - Monday 7th April

Proverbs today! Don't have much time to really get into it in depths but got a really good overview and finished my assignment.
We have song of Solomon and ecclesiastes this week so want to keep on top of my time management.
Remembering how much I love the people on this course, I am so fortunate to be part of this school with such incredible people.
We've all been so happy to be back together today, it's been a good day. Although most of us would agree we could do with another week off :)
There's a new dts and bcc here now so it's full steam ahead into the third term.
This morning after worship we went to the classroom and Andy posed this question.
Which are the 3 books we're doing this week...wisdom: song of Solomon....what is the point: ecclesiastes.
Bring it on..... :)

Friday 4 April 2014

Day 164/252 - Friday 28th March

Yay, almost finished for the second term, and I can't wait for a holiday!! But I've loved this term and can't believe how amazing the OT is :)
Abbey and Phil's wedding is happening here at TKL tomorrow, so people everywhere, busying about all with a job! I've been helping to lay the tables and other bits and bobs!
Now for a week at home... :)