Sunday 2 March 2014

Day 115/252 - Friday 7th Feb

My conclusion this week is: Doing SBS is the best decision I have ever made (I'm not even exaggerating).

From Exodus I've learnt this week about Identity, how to be in the image of God and who he created you to be. And purpose, how to go forward in what God has called you to do. 

My favourite part was when Moses was at the Red sea in 14:15 and he is asking God what to do next. God basically says to him - why are you praying? You know what I have called you to do now step out in faith and move forward. 

I've realised that I put so much emphasis on making sure everything I do is right by God when I just need to chill out and just live life in the desires he put in me, move forward in them in faith and trust that God will show me the next step when needed. He will surely stop me if I am going in the wrong direction but the worst that can happen is that it doesn't work out, then I can try something else. 

The worst that can happen if I don't step out is that I never step into what I'm called to be and stay in the safe and comfortable where everything is manageable. I think more and more I am called to impact through Media, mainly film. I get so passionate about the influence of Media and how it portrays life/truth badly that I need to do something about it. Just like how Moses had something in him that he hadn’t quite understood yet.

Another aspect was progressive revelation, this idea of God revealing to Moses step by step what he had called him to do, he does this with Abraham in Genesis too. God is merciful and loving he doesn't give us a bunch of details and facts for our lives right away because it would be too much. He calls us step by step and we can follow/trust what he has already deposited in us to go forward. 

From the beginning of the book we can see Moses had in him a call to be a deliverer, he stood up for the injustice when he killed the Egyptian and he saved the Priest's daughters at the well, he had in him this desire to save people but he was misguided until God directed him. I like that thought that we have an inherent call in our lives, something that gets us aggravated or passionate towards some injustice. That is God given and reveals something he has put in us to use for people in this world.

I want to be brave and pursue God with film in Media to make a change in the industry.... somehow. 

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